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Sex Crimes Defense Attorney in Gonzales, Louisiana

Being charged with a sex crime is incredibly serious and can significantly impact your life, which is why you should seek experienced legal representation as soon as possible. The sooner you secure legal counsel after an investigation or arrest, the better positioned you are to confront the charges against you and work toward mitigating the consequences of a sex crime allegation.  

At Allen V. Davis & Associates, we are steadfast in our commitment to providing robust legal defense for those facing sex crime charges in Louisiana. Our experienced criminal defense attorney, Allen V. Davis, is prepared to provide you with the knowledge and guidance you need. 

Located in Gonzales, Louisiana, we serve clients throughout Baton Rouge, Livingston Parish, St. James Parish, and Jefferson Parish. Reach out to Allen V. Davis & Associates today to schedule a free consultation. 

Charged with a Sex Crime?

Types of Cases We Handle and Associated Penalties

Regardless of the gravity of the allegations or the specifics of your situation, we stand ready to deliver a vigorous and effective defense. We represent clients who have been charged with various sex crime cases, including indecent exposure, prostitution, rape, sexual assault, and sexual battery. 

Rape Charges 

In Louisiana, rape is classified into several categories, each with varying degrees of severity and associated penalties: 

  • First-degree rape: Considered one of the gravest offenses, first-degree rape occurs under circumstances involving force, threats, or when the victim is of a particularly vulnerable age. A conviction can result in a life sentence without the possibility of parole. 

  • Second-degree rape: This offense generally involves situations where the victim is unable to consent due to incapacitation or incapability, whether from intoxication, mental illness, or other conditions. Penalties for second-degree rape typically include imprisonment for 5 to 40 years. 

  • Third-degree rape: Often referred to as simple rape, this charge involves cases where the victim's ability to resist is substantially impaired due to intoxication or unsoundness of mind, among other circumstances. A conviction could lead to up to 25 years in prison. 

Sexual Assault Charges 

Sexual assault encompasses a range of non-consensual sexual activities. In Louisiana, these charges can include: 

  • Aggravated sexual assault: This involves severe cases where the perpetrator uses a weapon, causes serious bodily harm, or if the victim is under 13 years old. Penalties can be extensive and may include life in prison. 

  • Simple sexual assault: This involves non-consensual sexual acts that do not include the aggravating factors present in more severe charges. Consequences can include imprisonment for up to 10 years and mandatory registration as a sex offender. 

Indecent Exposure 

Indecent exposure is the act of exposing one’s genitals in a public place with the intention of arousing or offending others. In Louisiana, penalties for indecent exposure can range from fines to imprisonment for up to two years, depending on the specifics of the case and prior offenses. 


Charges related to prostitution can be multifaceted, involving either the practice of engaging in, promoting, or soliciting sexual services for compensation. These offenses carry penalties that may include fines and imprisonment for up to five years, with harsher penalties for repeat offenses or involvement in human trafficking. 

Sexual Battery

Sexual battery includes the non-consensual, intentional touching of the intimate parts of another person. In Louisiana, this charge can be classified as either simple or aggravated, depending on the use of force, the age of the victim, and other factors.  

Penalties for simple sexual battery can include up to 10 years in prison, while aggravated sexual battery may carry much longer sentences and mandatory registration as a sex offender.  

In addition to these, our firm also provides services for cases involving sexual violence stemming from domestic abuse and child pornography offenses. At Allen V. Davis & Associates, we understand the repercussions of these charges and are dedicated to helping you build a strong defense to protect your rights and future.  

Why Choose Allen V. Davis & Associates?

Facing sex crime charges requires an experienced attorney who is knowledgeable, experienced, compassionate, and fiercely dedicated. Some of the ways our firm can help include: 

  • Extensive experience: With years of handling sex crime cases, we understand the intricacies involved and know how to help you build a compelling defense strategy. 

  • Aggressive defense: Our approach is thorough and relentless. We will help you scrutinize every detail of your case, challenge every piece of evidence, and advocate fiercely for your rights. 

  • Personalized attention: We recognize that every case is unique. We will listen to your concerns and strive to provide clear answers while keeping you informed throughout the legal process. 

Our primary goal is to help you build a case that could potentially prevent a conviction that mandates registration as a sex offender. We recognize the profound impact that a sex crime conviction can have on your life, including social stigma and hurdles in your professional life.

Therefore, we aim to help you conduct comprehensive investigations, contest the evidence, and pursue all viable defense avenues to safeguard your rights and reputation. 

Sex Crimes Attorney in Gonzales, Louisiana

If you or a loved one is facing sex crime charges in Louisiana, it is imperative to seek legal representation immediately. At Allen V. Davis & Associates, our experienced attorney strives to treat these cases with the utmost confidentiality and professionalism. Do not face these charges alone. Let us help you build a comprehensive legal defense. Reach out to Allen V. Davis & Associates today to schedule a free consultation.